Membership — The CU for Robertson County
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The CU for Robertson County

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Online Banking

Our Purpose

The Credit Union for Robertson County is a not-for-profit association incorporated for the purpose of creating a source of credit at a fair and reasonable rate of interest, encouraging the habit of thrift among its members, and educating its member in the use and control of both for their mutual benefit.

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Membership Eligibility

Persons who live, work, worship, or attend school in and businesses and other legal entities located in Sumner, Robertson, Cheatham, and Montgomery Counties in Tennessee and the portion of Davidson County, Tennessee that is north of the Cumberland River are eligible for membership.

A share balance of $20.00, along with a one-time $5.00 membership fee, are the only costs required to establish and maintain membership. Once a member, always a member! If for any reason, you leave your employment and were funding your credit union account via Payroll Deduction, you will still be able to stay with the credit union. In fact, you can keep the account open and remain a member of the credit union as long as the minimum balance requirement is met.

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Our Mission

Our mission is to provide our members, the heart of our culture, with extraordinary service while offering a variety of advanced, competitive, quality financial services focusing on the safety and stability of its members’ assets.

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